Sleep is my main objective. Which makes me wonder why I'm writing this, when I should be tucked up in bed. I wonder how many times I will walk the hallway with my 6 week old baby.
Marching up and down the balcony works sometimes; a blast of fresh air shocks her to sleep. The man who lives across from us, and who's balcony we over look, raised his glass of wine to me yesterday evening as I was doing the aforementioned sleep march. I raised my baby in reply to his toast then looked down to see I was in my bra and maternity pants.
I've been returning to my bible "Buddhism for Mothers" (bought after the birth of my first born) which encourages us, in moments of insanity, to repeat the mantra "this too shall pass". On a good day it helps, and reminds me to pause and take a breather from this motherhood bubble. I remind myself not to wish away time, or the crying of my baby because before I know it she'll be a mother too. Buddhism can be insightful at 3am; the white walls of my hallway become the white walls of the temple in which I live a peaceful, uncluttered life. I try and meditate avec baby wailing in my ear - which is not an easy exercise - but at least these thoughts momentarily distract me from the fact that I'm dog tired and my left eye won't open.
I'm also wondering how I can encourage my 2 and a half year old to sleep in past 5.30am. Maybe I should scatter toys, books, bowls of cereal and pieces of toast around her room so that when she wakes she can serve herself breakie. Or I could have a plasma TV fitted to the wall above her bed, then teach her how to use a remote control. Maybe when she wakes up to find she has everything she could possibly desire she WON'T COME INTO MY ROOM. Or I could just chain her to the bed?
I once heard Margaret Thatcher only needed 4 hours of sleep a night - which I guess explains a few of her decision making processes.
Nap time now.